Thursday, December 18, 2008

7 answers

i've been tagged by Fieqa..
thanks.. =D

1) Do you think you're hot?
yup.. sebab kurang minum air..stiap org yg tersentuh akan ckp
" mie, nape bdn u hot?"

2) Upload your favourite picture of you!

3) Why do you like that picture?
sbb pic ni mase i 19..mude kan? skrg??

4) When was the last time you ate pizza?
kt uma hilman, tyme sleep over..makan sgt byk!!

5) The last song you listened to?
vulnerable..secondhand serenade..sedap pulak.. tq syafiq

6) What are you doing right now beside this?
download muvi gne torrent..abes download tru tgk.. (keje tiap2 ari)

7) What name do you prefer besides yours?
awang..haha..matila dicarut!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


16/12/2008 - Debaran Menunggu Result

" Announcement "

Keputusan peperiksaan akan dipaparkan pada
17 Disember 2008 selepas mesyuarat Lembaga peperiksaan UiTM


xley dok diam kt uma.. rase nervous gler nk tggu kol12 ntok check result.. tetibe kwn2 (heall, fieqa, syafiq, syazwan & anas) ajak kua..thnks God, kelua nnt xla pk sgt psl bende nih..blk ley trus check..

1st tempat kitorg gi,

That's Cafe..

parts of the interior.. cantik kan?

masuk2 je.. it was like stepping into a different world.. who would expect kt Jln Dhobi ad tmpt mkn cmni..makanan dia pon sgt sedap! its a nice place to lepak and enjoy the scene!
then, kitorg lepak kt

Danga Bay..

mula2 pk ape je yg ad kt bosan da..danga bay nih, baru bpe percent je siap.. kt sini, mlm mmg meriah, mmg tempat terbaik cuci mata.. =p
tengok2 org ramai naek basikal, tetibe timbul idea nak maen basikal jugak..ape lg, xnk ketinggalan..then kitorg sewa basikal nih..

(bukan yg nih.. tp family set.. for 6person)
sejam RM35

just imagine..muat2 6org.cumel kan? dengan gigih,kayuh dan kayuh lg pusing2 danga bay..penat tp SRONOK BEB!!

...masing2 da penat, kitorg pon blk uma masing2..
Blk2 je.. bdn jd segar plak..xngantok pon.. tetibe tringat skrg 3am.. da 17/12 rupenye!!
wah..da bole cek result da..!!!!
nk login, tetibe xbole..try byk kali la.pnt seyh (T.T).....xpela, tggu jap, biase mmg xlm cmni..mne taw pasni bole, ak pon tgk muvi Wild Child jap..abes je cter ni, ak try login lg..
Akhirnya...bole jugak..(^^,)
dengan rse berdebar2 ak bkk la portal..


Semakan Keputusan Peperiksaan
Pelajar-Pelajar Universiti Teknologi Mara

Harap Maaf
Keputusan peperiksaan tidak dapat di paparkan buat masa ini.

Semua keputusan peperiksaan pelajar-pelajar UiTM sedang di proses / kemaskini,
dengan itu anda tidak dapat melihat keputusan tersebut.
Sila layari semula laman ini di lain masa.
Sekian Terima Kasih.


Trus tido...

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Bila Sudah Bosan

04/12/08 - mencatatkan hari plg byk ak melayan muvi..
(sape yg rase dia lg byk, ape ak peduli )

hehe.. sbb bosan pny pasal, kwn ak ajak kua, xsgka plak ak layan sampai 4 muvi..

cerita ini..



-Antoo Fighter-



dan ini..

-Los dan Faun-

sgt gigih yea ak tgk sume cter2 nih..

cube korang try imagine..

if 1 muvi = 1h 30 min,
4 muvi = 6h

lbh kurg 6 jam..lama jugak kan? dlm tempoh tu, 2 popcorn, 2 hotdog, a set of drummets, 2 cheezels and 2 large pepsi ak habiskan sorang..pening2 ibu mengadung ak rse lepas tgk sume..sbb mkn bkn2 kot.. sakit punggung jgn ckp la..tuhan je tau.. most of the movie sgt best, cume ad la satu muvi nih, agk bodo2 sket.. nak tau yg mne? tgk la sendiri!

anyway, kalo xde member gila2 yg mengutarakan idea yg memenatkan ini, ak mesti xtgk punya la..

thanks to

- iQbal-

-thanks 4 the popcorn (^^,)v-

Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Beginning

Hye y'all,

Do i have to introduce myself? 1st, i have to say that i'm not much into talking about myself, but since i'm sure you'd like to know a bit about me. i'll make an exception for this..

well, just IMAGINE that i'm a nice guy with a good attitude.
That's it!

nampak baik kan?

ahah! just kiddin'!!

anyway, i started this blog because most of my friends created their own blogs. this kinda pushed me to know what bloggin was all about.

- One Thing Led To Another-

and now i'm here!

it's Mie

p/s : tu je la idea ari ni.. nnt tulis lg!